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11 Days of Global Unity

The Movement of All Movements

11 Days of Global Unity highlights the WE 11 Campaigns for Change which calls forth the values, spirit and service needed to move us towards a culture of peace and a world that works for all.


Extraordinary Visionary Movement Leaders & Activists

Profound Dialogues, CALLS TO ACTION!

11 Days Partners & Sponsors

Our event would not be possible without the support of these partner organizations!


We are observing the Annual 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21 culminating with the UN International Day of Peace (on September 21st), as well as Climate Week and Peace Week.

Past participants in 11 Days of Global Unity include: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Vandana Shiva, Jamie Margolin, Marianne Williamson, Bill McKibben as well as organizations such as Amnesty International, United Religions Initiative, Oxfam America, Pathways To Peace and many others.

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11 Ways to Transform Our World

Join the Movement of All Movements and Help WE Change the World through 11 Campaigns for Change

11 Days of Global Unity happens annually every September 11th to September 21st and highlights 11 year-round Campaigns for Change which call forth the values, spirit and service needed to move us towards a culture of peace and a world that works for all. 11 Campaigns that together form a blueprint of transformation for a peaceful, just and sustainable world.

What You'll Experience during the 11 Days

  • Opportunities to connect with leaders & change makers
  • Learn from experts worldwide on the 11 Campaign Topics
  • Community and collaboration on topics to bring global change
  • A chance to volunteer & help spread the word on global unity
  • Join the conversation and make your voice heard
“On the occasion of 11 Days of Global Unity, culminating on the International Day of Peace, we invite you to join us in a movement without which all the other movements for change cannot be successful. The crucial movement we are talking about is the shift from ‘I’ to ‘WE’.”
– Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu
“It’s time for us to realize that we are a part of all the suffering in the world – those who are hungry and starving, all those animals that face extinction. Then we begin to make the change& from ‘I’ to ‘WE’. Because it’s when we all get together that we will make the changes we must make.” – UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall
Anwarul Chowdhury
“The 11 Days of Global Unity aims at strengthening the ideals of unity and equality, diversity and oneness, harmony and compassion and, above all, at advancing the culture of peace. I welcome this remarkable initiative.” –  Former Under-Secretary-General and  High Representative of the UN Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury
WE Founder, Rick Ulfik

The WE Mission
The mission of WE, the World is to maximize social change globally – until we have a world that works for all. To fulfill this mission WE, the World creates and promotes Programs, Platforms and Campaigns that unite and amplify the efforts of change-makers working for the Common Good!

11 Days of Global Unity – A Platform for Change-makers Worldwide
In 2004 WE, the World and global partners launched 11 Days of Global Unity from September 11 -21 which linked local awareness and action campaigns together into an inspiring international movement.

11 Days of Global Unity – 11 Ways to Change the World, has become a worldwide platform for the promotion of peace, justice, sustainability and transformation that annually includes as many as 700 associated events in over 60 countries around the world. It culminates on September 21st, the U.N. International Day of Peace which is celebrated globally. Learn More About WE

Campaign #1
The Unity campaign is where it all begins as we unite to co-create an equitable future together!

  • Promote solidarity and the recognition of people’s commonality, including by commemorating dates of significance to humanity such as the anniversary of September 11th 2001, a calamity in the USA that led to an ongoing global geopolitical crisis, and that also led to an international response promoting Global Unity
  • Strengthen interfaith dialogue and understanding
  • Work to end racism and intolerance of all kinds
  • Encourage healing and reconciliation between conflicting groups
  • Use nonviolent forms of communication to increase connection and prevent conflict
  • Increase cooperation and coordination between local and regional grassroots organizations
  • Develop global partnerships and build coalitions – UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #17
  • Recognize and promote global awareness and “WE” consciousness
  • Promote the role of values, ethics and spirit in creating positive change
  • Carry out other kinds of programs to achieve Unity goals

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Campaign #2
The Interdependence campaign is spreading the awareness of the inter-connectivity of life itself and reveals ways to show how we can move from competition to cooperation for a future that works for all!

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Celebrate Interdependence Day September 12th and participate in the Interdependence Movement
  • Promote Conscious Interdependence acknowledging that we are all connected through the web of life
  • Expand awareness and action to protect and preserve our global commons (land, water, air, internet, etc.)
  • Honor indigenous wisdom
  • Create an Interdependence Curriculum for Schools
  • Carry out other Interdependence programs

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Campaign #3
The Environment campaign is devoted to co-creating a sustainable future by tackling the imminent danger of global climate change! We aim to make national and global strides with policy change to eliminate or drastically reduce anything that is contributing to the harm of the planet or its inhabitants by utilizing our vast network.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Promote major investment in renewable, non-polluting energy systems and fuels
  • Protect ecosystems and biodiversity – end the Mass Extinction of Species
  • Protect and provide clean water for all
  • Minimize pollution and clean up the land, lakes, rivers, oceans and the air
  • Address the Climate Crisis: from International Agreements to Local Policies
  • Support local, organic, sustainable agriculture
  • Carry out other programs to achieve Environmental goals

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Campaign #4
The Economic Justice campaign is devoted to ending the suffering of humanity by bringing balance into our economic structures ensuring that new models of cooperatives can emerge to bring about global change.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Assisting with the U.N. Goals to End poverty (SDG #1 and 2)
  • Fulfill all basic human needs : food, water and shelter
  • Expand socially conscious business and investment
  • Conduct global financial reform
  • Promote Fair Trade and other fair labor practices
  • Encourage the creation of enterprises owned and run by the workers
  • Participate in the movement to reduce economic inequality and end economic injustice
  • Carry out other programs to achieve Economic Justice goals

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Campaign #5
The Health & Wellness campaign is dedicated to bringing awareness to the mind-body connection seen with integrative medicine through programs and outreach, but also by fostering a need for policy changes that will help to eradicate disease and provide healthcare for all.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Support holistic, integrative, proactive and preventive health practices
  • Provide for universal healthcare worldwide
  • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases (SDG #3)
  • Promote the connection between individual well-being and societal health
  • Carry out other programs to achieve Health and Wellness goals

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Campaign #6
The Children & Youth campaign is dedicated to assisting children in a variety of ways that brings about a sustainable and peaceful future where they are free to learn and evolve without turmoil.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Encourage youth activism for a peaceful sustainable world such as An Urgent Message From Your Children
  • Support comprehensive community programs and campaigns for under-served children (such as Teach The Children in the South Bronx, New York City)
  • End child trafficking
  • Reduce child mortality (SDG #3)
  • Advocate for universal literacy and a minimum of 8th grade education (SDG #4)
  • Promote Peace/Tolerance/Conflict Resolution Education programs at all grade levels
  • Advocate for the rights of the child
  • Carry out other programs for Children and Youth

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Campaign #7
The Women’s campaign is dedicated to ending violence and inequality for women through advocating for women’s rights and developing programs that assist women in their local communities.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Advocate for gender equality (SDG #5)
  • End violence against women
  • Advocate for economic empowerment of women
  • Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
  • Promote women’s leadership including full implementation of UNSCR 1325 to ensure women’s equal representation at all decision-making levels
  • Carry out other programs that support Women

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Campaign #8
The Human Rights campaign is dedicated to ensuring a future world where everyone receives basic human rights and has an equitable future that is attainable.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Work to achieve societal recognition and fulfillment of universal human needs worldwide
  • End persecution in all forms
  • Promote judicial transparency and fairness
  • End all forms of torture
  • Promote civil rights and civil liberties
  • Reduce levels of incarceration
  • Promote Restorative Justice
  • Carry out other programs that support Human Rights

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Campaign #9
The Freedom campaign is devoted to working towards a future where our national and global policy is contingent on the cooperation of governments that are FOR the people, and are dedicated to protecting the rights of everyone!

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • “Make Your Voice Heard” (UN Theme for Peace & Democracy)
  • Make sure the voice of the people is heard at the highest levels of power
  • Promote responsible governance of, by and for the people – for the Common Good
  • Promote public financing of local and national elections
  • Support strategies to reduce corruption
  • Fund and support democratic governance practices and institutions worldwide
  • End society’s usage of incarceration as a substitute for properly addressing Poverty, Drug Addiction, and Mental Illness
  • Promote Media Literacy: Who controls and benefits from media? How is the media created and manipulated for political and economic gain? Is it news or PR? Entertainment or Advertising?
  • Fully fund and support independent non-commercial media in the public interest
  • Advocate for socially responsible public interest practices in all media
  • Protect and foster freedom of expression in media, culture and the arts worldwide
  • Carry out other programs that support Freedom

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Campaign #10
The Disarmament campaign is devoted to ending the criminal and widespread overspending on military weapons and arms sales between countries. WE believe in a future void of weapons of mass destruction, where the governing bodies have learned to put people over profits and a new way of living in harmony can emerge.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Reform and improve laws governing gun sales and the global arms trade
  • Reduce weapons sales globally
  • Abolish nuclear weapons and all WMDs
  • Support arms reduction treaties
  • Strengthen security through diplomacy, nonviolent conflict resolution and conflict prevention
  • Support the use of field-tested programs of nonviolent intervention such as nonviolent civilian peacekeeping forces
  • Reduce military spending
  • Carry out other programs that support the goal of Disarmament

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Campaign #11
The Peace campaign is our biggest effort yet as we collaborate with over 600 organizations that are dedicated to growing a global society that has learned to live in peace.

Your donation dollars go towards:

  • Celebrate the UN International Day of Peace (September 21) by observing a minute of silence at 12 noon globally and in other ways
  • Work to create a Culture of Peace
  • Promote a global military ceasefire on September 21
  • Promote the multilateral framework of the United Nations, its institutions and its legal instruments for resolving international conflicts
  • Call for Sept 21 being a day of nonviolence in all media – a “media ceasefire”
  • Call for Sept 21 being a day of nonviolence in our communities – a ceasefire for gangs, domestic disputes, etc.
  • Establish departments and ministries of peace around the world
  • Prioritize nonviolent forms of communication at all levels – from the personal to the international
  • Highlight our personal and collective progress towards a Culture of Peace
  • Carry out other programs that support Peace

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Participants in past 11 Days of Global Unity have included:

Visionary Leaders
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Daniel Ellsberg, Amy Goodman, Bill McKibben, Eve Ensler, Tavis Smiley, Ralph Nader, Arun Gandhi, Marianne Williamson, Patch Adams, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Robert Thurman, Hazel Henderson, H.H. Sheikh Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Nuaimi (the Green Sheikh), Ocean Robbins, Riane Eisler, James Twyman, Helen Caldicott, Jonathan Granoff, Lynne Twist, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Indigenous Grandmother Agnes Pilgrim, Deborah Moldow, Kurt Johnson, Monica Willard and many others.

Global Organizations
Amnesty International, Oxfam America, United Religions Initiative, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, Earthdance, 9/11 Families For Peaceful Tomorrows, The Shift Network, The Compassion Games, The Charter For Compassion, Oprah Winfrey’s Belief Team, Unify, Pathways To Peace, Culture of Peace Initiative, World Peace Prayer Society, Peacelights, Children of the Earth, Peaceday TV, Unity Foundation, Ecofest, Benjamin Barber’s Interdependence Movement and thousands of other socially conscious organizations around the world.