11 Days of Global Unity Summit 2024

Featuring Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Riane Eisler

and Visionary Leaders Worldwide

Dear Friend,

Below is an Overview and Links, plus Recommendations, regarding watching any of the 30 remarkable Programs produced by We, The World for the 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity September 11th-21st. 

During these 11 Days, as part of the Unite 4 Peace Coalition, WE, and our Partners, carried out Consciousness Raising & Action Programs supporting the UN International Day of Peace September 21st. What an amazing and ongoing movement representing literally millions of people working to achieve Global Unity! 



(Scroll down to the bottom to see the Complete Program List with all the Facebook and YouTube Links.)

Outstanding Favorites Include:

  • Our extended interview with world renowned DR. JANE GOODALL (Primatologist, UN Messenger of Peace, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and Roots & Shoots Youth Organization in 70 countries).  She speaks about Peace, the Environment, Young People, her life at 90 and Interspecies Communication!
  • Our extended interview with world renowned DR. RIANE EISLER (Social systems scientist, cultural historian and futurist whose work has has transformed the lives of people worldwide). She speaks about the 4 Cornerstones for the Movement from Domination to Partnership Culture – for a “WE Society”.
  • Our Summit Panel on FREEDOM Featuring Michael Wayne (“How  To Save Democracy” Film) and Dr. Marty K. Casey (UnGun Institute). Their insights are especially important given the United States Election.
  • Our Summit Panel on HEALTH Featuring Gene Dolgoff (Founder and Chairman of Holobeam Technologies Inc.) and Kathryn Davis (Radio Producer and We, The World HEALTH Campaign Leader). Gene Dolgoff speaks about a new technology that may be able to safely treat cancer! Kathryn Davis introduces a Program that integrates the essentials of Personal Health and Wellbeing.
  • Our Summit Panels on Unity, Interdependence, Environment, Economic Justice, Health, Children & Youth, Women, Human Rights, Freedom, Disarmament and Peace feature remarkable leaders and activists who are making a major difference, locally and globally!

11 Inspiring Campaigns For Change 

Throughout our network, countless individuals and organizations are dedicated to fostering peace, sustainability and transformation. From Climate Crisis Action to Human Rights and Freedom, these initiatives demonstrate the transformative power of collaboration.

How You Can Help us to Inspire, Inform and Involve your friends and colleagues in creating the world we want:

  • Spread the Word: Reflect on what most inspired you about the recent 11 Days Summit Programs (see the Program List below with all the Facebook and YouTube Links), and how you can promote those ideas in your daily life. Share our Mission with your network. Share your insights and actions by replying to this message. And use social media (hashtag #11DaysOfGlobalUnity), email, or word of mouth to amplify the message of unity, peace and change.
  • Become a Partner: Join this Movement of Movements! Our motto with our WE Campaign is “What can WE do together that we can not do on our own?” Sign up here: https://we.net/partner
  • Volunteer: Join our team of passionate volunteers. Whether you have a few hours or days, your support can make a huge difference. Sign up here: https://WE.net/volunteer
  • Donate: Support our initiatives by making a donation. Every contribution helps us reach more people and create lasting impact. Donate here: https://WE.net/donate

As we conclude these 11 days, let us carry forward the spirit of peace and global unity by working with our 11 Campaigns For Change all year round, for a brighter future for us all.

With heartfelt gratitude and hope,

We, The World and the WE Campaign at WE.net

11 Days of Global Unity 20th Anniversary! https://11daysofglobalunity.org

TRENDS in Global Grassroots Organizing Magazine https://Trends.WE.net





Conversation With Dr. Jane Goodall – 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity

With Rick Ulfik

Facebook          YouTube

Conversation With Dr. Riane Eisler – 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity

With Rick Ulfik

Facebook          YouTube




11 Days Summit Panel on UNITY – Audrey Kitagawa, Steve Farrell, ShaRon Rea

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook          YouTube

ReAwakennd and Friends – Unity Rising: Sound Healing, Songs & Poetry for the Soul

Hosted by Andrew Kaen

Facebook          YouTube

Moving From Vision To Action – 11 Days Launch Partners

Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity

Troy Lush, Gemma Bulos, Diane Williams, Paul Sladkus, Deborah Moldow, Kaeshi Chai and Andrew Kaen

Hosted by Rick Ulfik

Facebook          YouTube

Foundation For Ethics & Meaning – 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity

Featuring Nanette Schorr, Bruce Novak, Julie Oxenberg, Bruce Hirsch, Rosa Naparstek, Ruth Garbus, Mark Levine and Rick Ulfik (Host)

Facebook         YouTube


11 Days Summit Panel on INTERDEPENDENCE – Shannon CrossBear and Jamen Shively

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube

Ancestral Wisdom on Interdependence:  Ancient Knowledge for Healing and Survival in our Modern World

Shannon CrossBear & Mitzy Clementina Kaypacha

Hosted by Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube 

Sustaining Our Planet: Addressing Africa’s Challenges & Next Steps

Hosted by Thato Angelina Gabaitse, Introduction by Jana Larsen

Featuring Dean Bhekumuzi Bhebhe (South Africa), Antoniette Moleele (Botswana), Goodness Dickson (Nigeria)

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11 Days Summit Panel on ENVIRONMENT – Sue Blythe, Jenny Dearinger and Jonathan Shinn

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube

Interfaith Climate Group – Fruits of the Spirit on Loom

Building Community in a Changing Climate

Hosted by Sue Blythe



Featuring Sue Blythe and Mallory O’Connor



11 Days Summit Panel on ECONOMIC JUSTICE – Mitzy Clementina

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

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Reclaiming Land Sovereignty: The Power of Stewardship, Self-Determination, and Economic Justice

Featuring Lilian Calvache

Hosted by Jana Larsen

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11 Days Summit Panel on HEALTH – Gene Dolgoff and Kathryn Davis

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube


11 Days Summit Panel on CHILDREN & YOUTH – Raheen Fatima, Preston Pressoir and Heidi Little

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

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Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) and Socio-Economic Empowerment of Youth

Hosted by Subrata Banerjee, Introduction by Jana Larsen

Featuring  Purnima K. Jindal

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11 Days Summit Panel on WOMEN – Sande Hart and Joumana Rizk

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube

SHE is Rising! “Sacred Conversations For a New world” – Aurora Pagonis and Janet Grace

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen


Empowering Women: Advancing Gender Equity & Inclusion in underrepresented communities

Featuring  Clariss Masiya (Zimbabwe), Joyce Koech (Kenya), and Lazola Kati (South Africa)

Hosted by Thato Angelina Gabaitse, Introduction by Jana Larsen

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11 Days of Global Unity Summit Panel on HUMAN RIGHTS

“Making A Difference in YOUR World”

Thato Angelina Gabaitse and Subrata Banerjee

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube

Violation of Child Rights in Conflict and War-UN Mandate and International Law

Hosted by Subrata Banerjee, Introduction by Jana Larsen

Featuring Indrajit Bose

Facebook         YouTube

Voices for Justice: Advocacy for Global Solidarity and Human Rights

Hosted by Denise Scotto. Introduction by Jana Larsen

Featuring Carrell Murrel and Kusumati P Pedersen

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Defending Human Dignity in Africa: The Global Struggle for Human Rights

Hosted by Thato Angelina Gabaitse, Introduction by Jana Larsen

Samuel Nskolo (Tanzania), Barcos Mompati Mbahkwa

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11 Days Summit Panel on FREEDOM – Michael Wayne and Dr. Marty K. Casey

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube

All Stand Together – Why We Write Songs

Glenn McCollum and Guy Louis

Hosted by Jana Larsen & Birgit Ben-Eli

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11 Days Summit Panel on DISARMAMENT – Alyn Ware and Ken Mayers

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook         YouTube 


11 Days Summit Panel on PEACE – 7 Sisters: Fumi Johns Stewart, Tezikiah Gabriel, Nina Meyerhoff, Jennifer Kim, Monica Willard, Dot Maver, Becky Suzik

Hosted by Rick Ulfik and Jana Larsen

Facebook          YouTube

Pause The World for Peace Celebrating the International Day of Peace 9/21/24 at Times Square in New York City

Hosted by Paul Sladkus for Good News Broadcast

We Are Arising 11 Days of Global Unity Peace Day Feature

Hosted by Heidi Little with Special Guests


Live Performance featuring Fantuzzi, “A Night of Ecstatic Song and Story”. 

Hosted by Andrew Kaen. 

Contact Andrew to watch the Program Video Online at 


Planet Heart Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity 
Host: Scott Catamas of the Awakening World 
Co-Host: Andrew Kaen, Founder and Executive Producer of Planet Heart 

Contact Andrew to watch the Program Video Online at 


Lanny Smith and Friends – A Special Live Event Celebrating 11 Days of Global Unity in New York City

Contact Lanny to watch the Program Video Online at 


WE want to acknowledge some of our amazing Partners who we support and collaborate with during 11 Days of Global Unity – and all year round:

The UN International Day of Peace NGO Committee, 

the UN Summit Of The Future, Climate Week

The Unite 4 Peace Coalition which includes:

Unity Earth, Peace Week, the SINE Network, OneWorld,

The Awakening World, We, The World,

Humanity’s Team, The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation,

The Source of Synergy Foundation,

The Deep and Rapid Transformation and Convergence at Cathedral St. John The Divine

Pause The World in Times Square, 

and Pace e Bene Nonviolence Campaign and March

What an amazing movement representing literally millions of people working to achieve Global Unity! All working with We, The World and The WE Campaign at WE.net!See below for the 11 Days of Global Unity 20th Anniversary Legacy Gallery Poster that shows many of the global leaders who participated in 11 Days over the years (Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Ralph Nader, Eve Ensler (“V”), Bill McKibben, Marianne Williamson, Arun Gandhi etc etc).

11 Days of Global Unity

20th Anniversary Legacy Gallery Poster

We, The World and our Global Partners launched 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21, 2004.

Here is some Background

11 Days of Global Unity Commemorates the Journey from Fear to Hope: The terrorism on September 11th to the UN International Day of Peace on September 21st.

For the full history of the creation of 11 Days of Global Unity go to https://11daysofglobalunity.org/about