Meet Tomorrow’s Dreamers, a team of youth and elders, present the EarthFlash! Games Show to engage children, youth, adults and elders in a climate conversation-to-action program. From the Climate Collaboratory, a pilot project of We, the World and the University of Florida Extension.

Adrian Alvarez is a 13-year-old environmental activist. He represented the children of the world on a global call for the Earth Charter 20th Anniversary. His youtube channel, Adrian Alvarez Earth, features people who are making a difference in the world. Adrian is a co-creator of the EarthFlash! Games Show.

Brianna Rain Skildum, a young professional living in Colorado, was raised in Minnesota, in the Ojibwe tradition. In adulthood she finds passion and fulfillment when working to better the world around myself. She hopes to see a brighter, more unified world in the near future, and believes it’s absolutely doable within her lifetime. Brianna is a co-creator of the EarthFlash! Games Show.

Grandmother Shannon CrossBear is a powerful, spiritual Ojibwe / Irish woman whose purpose is to demonstrate and promote gentle healing. A skilled storyteller and educator, Shannon has worked with tribal and non tribal communities to improve conditions for future generations through protecting fresh water sources, Shannon is a co-creator of the EarthFlash! Games Show.

Jim Graywolf Petruzzi acquired some of his knowledge of systemic living from nature, indigenous elders, and through University degrees. He has spent the last 35 years working in and with nature as he travelled the world learning from elders. He pulls from the cornucopia of cultural teachings he has acquired to create programs and transformational systems. Jim is a co-creator of the EarthFlash! Games Show.

Sue Blythe is doing what she can to ensure a livable Earth for her eight grandchildren and their grandchildren. She’s coordinator of We, The World’s Campaign for the Environment and founder of the Climate Collaboratory, a pilot project of We, the World and the University of Florida Extension. Sue is a co-creator of the EarthFlash! Games Show.